Premium mineral feed for dogs, cats and horses


A product from PANACEO







Premium mineral feed for dogs, cats and horses



A product

Gratis Versand ab € 50,-

Mineralfutter mit Zeolith für Hunde & Katzen
VETAMIN dogs & cats powder 400g

Content: 0.4 kg (€49.75* / 1 kg)

Variants from €14.90*


Tested by vets

Natural. Healthy. For dogs, cats and horses.

  • Valuable addition to your dog food
  • For more strength, health and well-being
  • With valuable dolomite and optimised natural zeolite*
  • With magnesium for muscles, bones and teeth
  • With calcium to support the metabolism
  • Ideal for digestive disorders, strengthens the intestines and liver
  • 100% pure natural product, made in Austria

*  Premium zeolite from PANACEO

4 signs of deficiency symptoms in cats and dogs

A dull coat, listlessness, empty eyes and brittle nails indicate malfunctions in the organism. Common causes are deficiency symptoms and digestive problems.

VETAMIN offers high-quality minerals

  • to reduce mineral deficiencies,
  • to support the metabolism and the digestive tract,
  • to activate the self-cleansing powers
  • and thus leads to a healthier organism and improved well-being. 


With natural zeolite from PANACEO

The volcanic mineral zeolite is an efficient binding agent that has been used successfully in animal feed for decades. Only PANACEO brand zeolite is used for VETAMIN.

  • Zeolite clinoptilolite with a unique and patented activation** specially optimised for use in dogs, cats and horses,
  • is used in humans for the selective binding and elimination of pathogenic substances in the gastrointestinal tract
  • and in turn to release the minerals and trace elements contained in the crystal lattice.

** In this unique activation, which has been further developed for use in animals, the biophysical properties of the volcanic mineral are multiplied by an additional modification of the crystal lattice structure.



With natural zeolite from PANACEO

The volcanic mineral zeolite is an efficient binding agent that has been used successfully in animal feed for decades. Only PANACEO brand zeolite is used for VETAMIN.

  • Zeolite clinoptilolite with a unique and patented activation** specially optimised for use in dogs, cats and horses,
  • is used in humans for the selective binding and elimination of pathogenic substances in the gastrointestinal tract
  • and in turn to release the minerals and trace elements contained in the crystal lattice.

** In this unique activation, which has been further developed for use in animals, the biophysical properties of the volcanic mineral are multiplied by an additional modification of the crystal lattice structure.

Why calcium and magnesium?

Sufficient magnesium intake is important to ensure optimal calcium absorption. Too much calcium, on the other hand, can inhibit the absorption of magnesium. Therefore, these two important minerals should always be taken together - approximately in a 2:1 ratio (calcium to magnesium).

  • Magnesium contributes to normal muscle function.
  • Magnesium contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and teeth.
  • Magnesium contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
  • Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.

Recommended by vets

Univ.Lector VR Mag. Dr. Reinhard Kaun

Univ.Lector VR Mag. Dr. Reinhard Kaun

VETAMIN products have been a constant companion in my treatments for many years. They work quickly and reliably, are easily digestible and are incorporated into the organism in a targeted manner. Wolfgang Plautz Wolfgang Plautz

A study I carried out showed that taking VETAMIN reduces the animal's lactate level during exercise. The muscle metabolism remains in the aerobic range for longer.

Gratis Versand ab € 50,-

Mineralfutter mit Zeolith für Hunde & Katzen
VETAMIN dogs & cats powder 400g

Content: 0.4 kg (€49.75* / 1 kg)

Variants from €14.90*

Study proves

Vetamin relieves the organism and increases performance

Veterinary study*** on sport horses proves the positive effect of VETAMIN on the organism and performance


VETAMIN causes

  • a reduction in blood lactate levels,
  • a significant increase in performance,
  • an improvement in heart rate values 
  • and has a relieving effect on the organism.

Use for 3 to 5 months is recommended, continuous use is possible. In any case, VETAMIN should be administered over a period of three to four weeks in order to achieve a significant effect.

*** Study of the mineral feed Vetamin on blood lactate levels in sport horses, 12/2004 (Dr Wolfgang Plautz, MD)

Gratis Versand ab € 50,-

Mineralfutter mit Zeolith für Hunde & Katzen
VETAMIN dogs & cats powder 400g

Content: 0.4 kg (€49.75* / 1 kg)

Variants from €14.90*

Gratis Versand ab € 50,-

Mineralfutter mit Zeolith für Pferde
VETAMIN for horses powder 1.500g

Content: 1.5 kg (€32.67* / 1 kg)


Gratis Versand ab € 50,-

Wundpuder mit Zeolith für Tiere
VETAMIN wound powder 30g

Content: 30 g (€33.00* / 100 g)



9 Tipps, wie du deinem Hund bei Sommerhitze helfen kannst

9 Tipps, wie du deinem Hund bei Sommerhitze helfen kannst

Auch unsere Vierbeiner leiden im Sommer unter den hohen Temperaturen. Du kannst deinem Hund aber helfen, die heißen Tage gut zu überstehen.
Zeolith als Mineralfutter für Tiere

Auf Urlaub mit dem besten Freund: Tipps für die Darmgesundheit deines Hundes

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Darmgesundheit bei Hunden und Katzen: Der Schlüssel zum Wohlbefinden

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